Some bright spark turned the heating off last night! 某个聪明过头的家伙昨晚把暖气关了。
Do be careful with those fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off. 这些烟火要格外小心,稍有火星就能引起爆炸。
It is common standing that the present farmland expropriation system should be reformed, but on earth how to reform spark off heated dispute. 现行征地制度亟待改革,这是决策界和理论界的共识,但到底应如何进行改革,却颇有争议。
However, the incident was only the spark that set off the fire. 但这个事件只不过是引起火灾的一个火星。
Side B must not with side A spark product nominal sells and passes oneself off as and the false inferior commodity, positively the vacation is beaten in the cooperation participation company. 乙方不得以甲方星火产品的名义出售假冒、伪劣商品,并积极配合参与公司打假。
Original BMW air and oil filters and spark plugs provide the level of quality that pays off in the long term. BMW原厂生产的空气滤清器和机油滤清器以及火花塞质量上乘,从长远来看均具有较高的经济性。
Zhang believes that changes in ecosystems could lead to social, economic and political change, and could spark off wars. DavidZhang认为生态系统的变化会造成社会、经济、政治的变革,也会导致战争。
The purpose of the float-bowl vent is to equalize the effects of a clogged air cleaner. Original BMW air and oil filters and spark plugs provide the level of quality that pays off in the long term. 浮子室通气孔的效用是补偿空气滤清器阻塞的影响。BMW原厂生产的空气滤清器和机油滤清器以及火花塞质量上乘,从长远来看均具有较高的经济性。
The slightest spark can set off the explosive stored here. 一丁点儿火花都能引爆储存在这儿的炸药。
Typically, it takes one or two very successful people to spark a cluster to take off. 通常情况下,需要有一个或两个非常成功的人士带动大家起飞。
In the experiment misfire is produced by enlarging spark plug gap, adding carbon deposits of the spark plug electrodes and cutting off high voltages, and then simultaneously misfire signal is recorded. 试验时通过增大火花塞间隙、增加火花塞电极间积碳和断电三种方法产生失火,同时记录检测离子电流失火信号。